Late night ramblings and a new web page

Reading time: 2 minutes

Website update: BiograView has a new home page! (You’re welcome! 😉)

It’s interesting how things keep evolving, some take longer than others to grow, but always will be, evolving.

BiograView started out as a passion project for me; borne out of some kind of idealistic idea of a perfect world.

Ingrid van Amsterdam smiles in glowing light
Ingrid van Amsterdam – Late night ramblings

In the time I have operated BiograView I have learnt so much, and continue to do so. I am evolving. I am growing along with my biggest creation to date. I started alone, to be joined by an amazing team of writers and other contributors. To make things happen, the need to involve other companies arose, and it turned into a roller coaster of events. Then Covid turned everything upside down. I needed space, and time out. I needed to let go of so many things.

But BiograView was still there, lurking in the background as an ominous being. But also the passion remained.

In an old book about cartomancy I recently read the phrase “Success achieved through effort and hardship not only brings great satisfaction, but is also usually permanent“. It gave me hope.

If you look at the status of the world today you might wonder how delusional the notion of a perfect world actually is. Just when you think things can’t get any worse, hello, another war has started. It seems that personal grievances and insanity override rationality; irresponsible and cruel decisions of the largest order without any sense of humanitarian responsibility and an apparent lack of respect and love or empathy for our fellow human, are real.

I just hope that destruction will eventually destroy itself (and let that be soon), relieving those with common sense from going down the pointless rabbit hole of following the worldly woes made available to watch through news channels or via other media, in the name of justice.

We know there is no reasoning with insanity.

Anything that is given energy grows, whether that is positive or negative, so let’s focus on the good things in life and expand our energy in the most productive way possible. Enjoy and acknowledge the simple things in your everyday life. Be considerate. And acknowledge the love within you.

Yes, I still work alone. But what matters most, I acknowledge the passion for my work. And I invite you, to come along.

One Comment

  1. Geraldine Guy

    late night ramblings can yield honest and genuine thoughts on the world around us – maybe it’s the 4 walls crashing in around us that cause us to ramble or perhaps its the sheer hopelessness of the world out there and the mindlessness – yes passion > Ingrid enables you to continue – keep going, I like

    Liked by 1 person

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